The results show that the critical velocities of shielded composition B impacting by small fragment gained by three methods are approximately equivalent. 结果表明,对于小破片,3种方法计算出的屏蔽B炸药撞击起爆速度阈值基本接近;
Application Research on Dispersant of Composition B 分散剂在熔黑梯炸药中的应用研究
The Effect of Ignition Intensity in Composition B on the Burning Behavior 点火强度对B炸药燃烧行为之影响
Results It was discovered that the positive ratio of pre-S1 was high in the groovy composition models of hepatitis B virus serum markers in the models that HBsAg was positive by analyze. 结果分析常规的HBV血清标志物不同组合模式发现,表面抗原阳性的模式中,HBV前S1抗原的检出率较高。
Research on Modification of Composition B with Polymers(ⅱ) 高聚物改性B炸药研究(Ⅱ)
Therefore, the research of modification on composition B is still the stress and difficulty nowadays. 因此,B炸药的改性研究仍然是当今研究的重点和难点。
Design of Remote Monitor System Based on the Mixed Composition of C/ S and B/ S C/S与B/S混合架构的远程监视系统设计
The investigations into composition B and developments achieved in composition B modification research work at home and abroad are reviewed. The surface modification of C. 回顾了B炸药在国内外的研究概况及其改性研究的进展。系统地研究了单一和复配型表面活性剂的改性对C。
Research on Dispersion and Emulsification of Wax Caused by Emulsifier in Composition B 乳化剂对B炸药中蜡的分散与乳化研究
Under the same condition of critical thickness of shield plane, the results obtained by the penetration and detonation experiments of different thickness of shield PBX and composition B show that it is disadvantageous for jet to initiation when the thickness of explosive is thin. 此外,在临界屏蔽板厚度相同条件下,对装药厚度不同的屏蔽PBX和B炸药进行了侵彻引爆实验,结果表明,药柱厚度变薄,不利于聚能射流引爆炸药。
Problems and Developments in Composition B Modification Research B炸药的改性研究及其进展
During research on software architecture and B/ S application, this paper aims to make use of architecture and component composition technology, rapidly design and develop B/ S applications. 在对软件构架和B/S应用程序体系结构的研究过程中,提出了如何运用构架和构件组装技术,通过对可复用构件的组装进行B/S应用程序的设计和快速开发。
This paper introduces origination, composition and characteristics of the B/ S model, and compares it with the C/ S model. Then the author suggests to fabricate the frame structure of the seafarer distance training system with the theory of B/ S model. 对B/S结构模式的产生、构成及特点进行详细的阐述,并在其与C/S模式比较的基础上,提出用B/S模式理论来构建船员远程培训系统的框架结构。
This paper introduces the working principle and basic composition of the orbit ball for B mode ultrasonic di ˉ agnostic equipment, designs the replacing circuit, provides the solution to the trouble and discusses the future develop ˉ ment. 本文深入透彻的分析了常用轨迹球的基本构成和工作原理,设计了替换电路,并针对经常出现的故障给出了解决方法,而且就B超轨迹球的未来发展做出了展望。
To get the condition of critical initiation of shield PBX and composition B by jet, a penetration and detonation experiment is designed. The critical thickness of shield planes are obtained from penetrating and detonating of different thickness of shield PBX and composition B by jet. 为得到聚能射流引爆屏蔽PBX和B炸药的临界条件,采用某制式聚能装药对不同厚度屏蔽板屏蔽的PBX和B炸药进行了侵彻引爆实验,得到屏蔽炸药临界引爆的屏蔽板厚度;
Effect of Additives on the Modified Composition B 改性B炸药中添加剂的作用机理
The Optimization of Composition Design of B Class Ship Plate Steel B级船板钢的成分设计优化
Tests on Shock Initiation Characteristics of Composition B Charge 注装B炸药冲击起爆特性试验
Studies on the base gap of composition B by aquarium test B炸药底隙的水试验研究
Phase Composition of Li B Alloy Used for Thermal Battery and Its Influence on Discharge Behavior 热电池用LiB合金的物相组成及对放电性能影响
Effects of surface treatment, particle size distribution, rare earth composition, Al content and B additive of hydrogen storage alloy on its high rate discharge performance was investigated. 研究了贮氢合金表面处理、粒度分布、稀土组成、Al含量和添加剂硼对贮氢合金高倍率放电性能的影响。
As for the limestone with the same chemical composition, the average b value has a close relation with the strength of the rock fracture. 对于化学成分相同的灰岩,其平均(?)值与岩石破裂强度密切相关。
The polyurethane coating has been prepared with TDI and polyester ( polyether) prepolymer as composition A, epoxy resin, MOCA, Hydroxyl Acrylate and alkyd resin as composition B respectively. 以聚酯型聚氨酯预聚物或聚醚型聚氨酯预聚物为甲组分,分别以环氧树脂,MO-CA,含羟基丙烯酸树脂,醇酸树脂为乙组分,制备出双组分聚氨酯涂料。
The correctness of the experimental results is validated by contrasting the critical detonation of shield composition B in experiment and in reference. 将B炸药射流引爆判据的实验数据与文献报道数据进行对比,证实了实验结果的正确性。
A layer of soil is affected by the weathering, changed the original soil composition which is different from B layer, so that the model between A layer of soil spectral reflectance and B layer of clay mineral contents is not ideal. 由于A层土壤受风成作用影响较大,改变了原有土壤的组成成分,与B层土壤在成分上有差异,所以,A层土壤光谱反射率与B层粘土矿物含量建模的效果很不理想。
The leaf mineral composition, chlorophyll a/ b ratio and concentration of chlorophylls and carotenoid showed little difference between control and UV-B treatment during the growth stage. 结果表明,对照和UV-B处理在叶片矿质营养组成、叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量以及叶绿素a/b比值上差异较小。
In addition, component A also contained the amino acid VB6, and thymol. While composition B is possessed Danshensu, gallic acid, coumarins, and so on. 另外,组分A还鉴定出氨基酸,维生素B6和百里酚,而组分B中的成分更多,更复杂,含有丹参素,具有降糖作用的没食子酸和香豆素等多种成分。